Andrzej Ruszer

作者: 时间:2021-04-21 点击数:


鲁安杰(Andrzej Ruszer),北京外国语大学欧洲语言文化学院波兰语专业波兰文教专家。在2019年度“我与外教”全国征文大赛暨“我最喜爱的外教”评选活动中入选“我最喜爱的外教”十强。


PhDr. Andrzej Ruszer, PhD., is foreign expert at the School of European Languages and Cultures (2010-2015; 2017 - till now), Beijing Foreign Studies University (China). Before he was working at the Department of Polish Language Jagiellonian University in Cracow.

His key activities and responsibilities are: teaching activities at undergraduate and graduate levels (study programs: Polish language, rhetoric, Polish art and culture, European studies, Polish language for foreigners).

He is the author of a textbook for writing (“Oswoić tekst”) and numerous glottodidactic publications. He is a participant of many scientific conferences i.a. Meetings of Polish Philology of Three Countries – China, Korea, Japan.

He is a member of the International Association for Polish Studies (Międzynarodowe Stowarzyszenie Studiów Polonistycznych).

He got award for “Best Teacher of BFSU” (2013) and “My Favourite Foreign Teacher” (2020).

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