丽嘉·米科拉谢韦察(LĪGA MIKLAŠEVIČA),拉脱维亚籍,拉脱维亚大学博士在读。2017年起担任北京外国语大学拉脱维亚语外籍专家,教授拉脱维亚语精读、拉脱维亚语口语、拉脱维亚语言与文化(三外通选)等课程。拉脱维亚民俗专家,曾工作于拉脱维亚露天民俗博物馆。
Liga finished her bachelor and master studies in Baltic philology at the University of Latvia in (2009, 2011). After completing the PhD programme in Literature, Folklore and Art also at University of Latvia in 2016 (while also gaining exchange experience in Lithuania — Vytautas Magnus University, and in Finland — University of Tampere), Liga currently works on her doctoral thesis “Musical folklorism in Latvia, Baltic context, 21CT”.
Liga has worked in BFSU since 2017, first as lecturer in the elective course “Latvian language and culture”, and now in the new bachelor program “Latvian language”. Teaching language is Latvian and English.
Academic fields: folkloristics, ethnomusicology, Baltic mythology, Baltic philology