Petru APACHIȚEI (罗马尼亚语) /Petru APACHITEI (英语)/彼特鲁·阿帕基采伊 (中文译名)
Petru APACHIȚEI先生为罗马尼亚雅西市Vasile Alexandri理论中学的罗马尼亚语言文学一级教师。从2012年9月起至今,他两次受聘担任北外欧洲语言文化学院罗马尼亚语专业外籍教师,教授有关罗马尼亚语言和文学的相关课程,深受中方师生的好评。
Petru APACHIŢEI, professor I degree (highest level) at Theoretical High School "V. Alecsandri", Iasi, Romania, currently is lecturer in Romanian language at Beijing Foreign Studies University. He is graduated from University “Al. I. Cuza” Iași, the first Romanian university, founded in 1860. His double major is Romanian language and literature - French language and literature. In 2008, he graduated with a master's degree in Management and Educational Policies. He was methodologist in School Inspectorate of County Iasi, trainer for teachers at “Teacher’s Corpus House”, mentor teaching practice for the students of the Faculty of Philology, co-author of 17 books in Romanian language and literature, inspector in Romanian language and literature between 2003-2009, member of numerous national committees, initiator, organizer and creator of topics at School Olympiads and other competitions for students, organized at the local, county and national level. He was awarded in 2009 the Distinction "Gh. Lazăr" by the Romanian Ministry of Education, for innovation in the teaching career.