Marián Macho

作者: 时间:2021-04-21 点击数:


马利安·马豪(Marian Macho), 语言学博士,熟练掌握英语和德语,有新闻编辑工作经验,曾任斯洛伐克尼德拉康斯坦丁大学讲师。2013起开始在北京外国语大学斯洛伐克语专业任教,教授斯洛伐克语法、听力、口语等课程,教学经验丰富,具有较强的跨文化沟通能力。

PhDr. Marián Macho, PhD., is foreign expert at the School of European Languages and Cultures, Beijing Foreign Studies University (China). Before he was working as assistant professor at the Department of Slovak Language, Faculty of Arts, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra and language editor in Petit Press, a nation-wide publishing house.
His key activities and responsibilities are: teaching activities at undergraduate and graduate levels (study programs: Slovak language, editorship and publishing, translation studies, European studies, Slovak language for foreigners).

He was scientific and organizational guarantor of conferences and seminars, e. g. international Europodians project - online training courses; international EURONOUNCE project - Intelligent Language Tutoring System with multimodal feedback functions; Political developments in the Visegrad countries after the parliamentary elections in 2005 – 2006; Dictionary of Štúr's Slovak.

He regularly conducts courses locally and abroad: Nord-Trondelag University College (Norway), University of Jan Evangelista Purkyně in Ústí nad Labem  (Czech Republic), University of Cologne (Germany).

He is a) member of the editorial board of scientific journal Slavica Nitriensis, b) head of Slovak language section in European Consortium for the Certificate of Attainment in Modern Languages, c) member of the scientific committee at the international conference Slovak in the World - Current Status and Perspectives,  d) member of PhD expert board  in the study field "Slovak language and literature" and the doctoral program "Slovak language and literature”. He got award for "Best Teacher of BFSU" (2014) and “My Favourite Foreign Teacher” (2020).

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