Invitation International Conference on European Studies across Asian Universities

作者: 时间:2021-04-20 点击数:



International Conference on European Studies across Asian Universities


The conference European Studies across Asian Universities is being held at the last stage of the EURASIA project - European Studies Revitalised across Asian Universities. EURASIA is developed under the Erasmus+ Programme, Key Action 2 “Capacity building in the field of higher education” and aims to strengthen the ties between higher education institutions in the EU and Asia.In this project, Beijing Foreign Studies University partners with institutions from five EU countries - Bulgaria, Poland, France, Italy, and the UK as well universities from China and India. Our team have successfully developed and piloted, with students, 8 new courses on European studies covering various aspects of this field with resources made available by the EURASIA project.

The BFSU project team sincerely invites you to attend the International Conference on European Studies across Asian Universities and to share your latest research ideas on Sino-European relations, law studies, language policy studies, as well as to discuss your views on developing European Studies courses.

We believe that together we can further promote dialog between European and Asian universities.


Opening dayApril 23rd, 2021

Opening session 16:00, Beijing Time

Speeches delivered by

EURASIA project leader Prof. Maria Stoicheva

Vice Rector for International Affairs, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski

BFSU project manager Prof. Lin Wenshuang

Vice Dean of School of European Languages and Cultures, Beijing Foreign Studies University

Keynote speakers 16:30, Beijing Time

Prof. Cui Hongjian on Sino-European relations

Director of Department for European Studies, China Institute of International Studies

Prof. Abror Juraev

Vice-rector for International Cooperation, Bukhara State University

Prof. Lid King on language policy research in Europe

Director of Languages Company

Prof. Zdzisław Mach

Head of the Department of European Society and Cultural Heritage, Jagiellonian University. Head of the UNESCO Chair for Holocaust Education

Prof. Zhang Tianwei on language policy research in China

Professor at National Research Centre for Foreign Language Education, Beijing Foreign Studies University

Panel discussion day one, April 24th, 2021

Sino-European/ Asian-European relations 16:00, Beijing Time

On political and economic relations between China and the EU, as well as study on relations between China and EU member states.

Sino-European/Asian-European law studies 16:30, Beijing Time

On latest research developments on European law studies, such as company law or competition law. Studies of the legal system of EU member states are welcome.


Panel discussion day two, April 25th, 2021

Language policy research in Europe and Asia 16:00, Beijing Time

On language policy of the EU and member states, including promoting official/national language, foreign language education, language planning etc.

Course development on European studies 16:30, Beijing Time

On developing courses covering various aspects of European studies, such as European integration, political system, as well as possible teaching methods that can better serve the course objective.






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